secondhand textile, curtain weight, shells, conker, kilt pin, tin castings, cuckoo clock bird, metal clock part, dried flowers, norwegian krone, ceramic beads, plastic beads
32cm x 72cm
secondhand textile, curtain weight, shells, conker, kilt pin, tin castings, cuckoo clock bird, metal clock part, dried flowers, norwegian krone, ceramic beads, plastic beads
32cm x 72cm
Money Strings
An embroidered tapestry of my hands at work, adorned with bits and pieces gathered, gifted and exchanged.
Presented as part of the group exhibition The Shape of Labour at Kunstloc, Tilburg.
An embroidered tapestry of my hands at work, adorned with bits and pieces gathered, gifted and exchanged.
Presented as part of the group exhibition The Shape of Labour at Kunstloc, Tilburg.